Think Green:

Eco-Friendly Solutions.

Eco-Friendly Solutions
Download CDCLICK i-Studio and Upload Your Project;
Add to Cart Your Disc and the Eco-Friedly Packaging;
Order just what you need!

Eco-Friendly Solutions

Think Green choosing your CD DVD Blu Ray Online Duplication Company:

Why CDCLICK is a green option? CDCLICK offers to its clients the unique benefits of using in person the CDCLICK Virtual CD / DVD / Blu Ray factory, an online duplication and printing environment with low impact created specifically to avoid waiting times and movement associated with the traditional manufacturing method. With CDCLICK you can also print just only 1 CD or the minimum amount you need (small is beautiful!). For the packaging option we use environmentally friendly paper certified " Fedrigoni Woodstock betulla": with this paper you can download the eco-logos and place them on your image.

download the Eco-Friendly Logos

How to Burn and Print Eco-Friendly?

  • Download CDCLICK i-Studio (it's free)
  • Create and Upload your project ready to be burned and printed by CDCLICK.
  • Order your project with the eco-jacket "Fedrigoni Woodstock Betulla!
Do you need more details? Tour on CDCLICK.



CDCLICK is not just a site for Online Short-Run CD, DVD Blu-Ray Duplication and Printing, we constantly work for you to make your work unique and professional, please contact us to create your perfect design.


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(+39) 06 907 5169 (+39) 351 900 2803
Telegram CDCLICK
Telegam:  @cdclick
WhatsApp:  cdclick
Customer Service in English from Monday to Friday 9-13 / 14-18
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Download Templates for your CD DVD Blu Ray Packaging

Graphic Design Service:

Everything is important, but your graphics will be the first thing to be appreciated!

Do you need help with graphics design?
We can help you handling your project or we can create from scratch your new graphic design.